
7 Characteristics Of An Ideal Customer That Your Business Needs

When you are focused on growing your business, the last thing that you want is to have bad customers on…

8 years ago

The Periodic Table Of Muppet Characters For Muppet Fans Everywhere

The Muppet characters are full of nostalgia and happiness. Usually people are either muppet fanatics, or they don't like the…

12 years ago

25 Incredibly Intricate Video Game Papercraft Builds

It's been a long time since I covered anything about papercraft here on Bit Rebels. I was thinking about it…

12 years ago

Hobbit Dwarves: How To Tell Them All Apart [Cheat Sheet]

The first installment of the prequel movie series The Hobbit has finally premiered, and it looks to become one of…

12 years ago

Star Wars Character Hats: Keep Your Dome Warm The Geek Way

If you've never worn character hats, you aren't alone. I haven't either - yet. Winter hats are like shoes. Well,…

12 years ago
Star Wars Mini Character Candy Bowl Holders At Your ServiceStar Wars Mini Character Candy Bowl Holders At Your Service

Star Wars Mini Character Candy Bowl Holders At Your Service

There are moments in life when you just can't live without candy. Going to the movies without a proper bag…

12 years ago

Disney Characters Go Steampunk In This Creative Mashup

Not too long ago Diana wrote an article about Steampunk Disney Princesses because as everyone knows, we just love steampunk…

13 years ago

Old School Rotary Phone Becomes Today’s Twitter Client

I think many of us are using different Twitter clients than the ones Twitter makes available on their site or…

13 years ago
Dressing Super Mario: Nintendo 8-Bit Virtual Model KitsDressing Super Mario: Nintendo 8-Bit Virtual Model Kits

Dressing Super Mario: Nintendo 8-Bit Virtual Model Kits

One of my favorite subjects to write about here on Bit Rebels is the 8-bit style of graphics. It's such…

13 years ago

Super Mario Piranha Plant Earring: Brilliant Nerd Accessory

It's been a long time since anyone has sent me any geek gear to share with you, so I actually…

14 years ago

All Featured R2-D2 Lego Build Is A Pure Wonder

By now we should all be used to seeing Star Wars stuff featured in all different shapes and forms. Being…

14 years ago

Iron Man Origami Figurine: It’s Brutally Awesome

It's quite apparent that our readers love origami in all its shapes and forms. We try to limit the awesomeness…

14 years ago

How Frequently Each Letter Is Used On Your Keyboard

I am sure there is some kind of app or software out there that will help us keep track of…

14 years ago

Unbelievable ASCII Art Created With A Typewriter

I think everyone at some point has come across the awesomeness of ASCII art. It first appeared on the early…

14 years ago
Simpsons Parodies: Famous Games Get A MakeoverSimpsons Parodies: Famous Games Get A Makeover

Simpsons Parodies: Famous Games Get A Makeover

To say that The Simpsons is not one of the most successful cartoon shows on the telly would be quite…

14 years ago