
Geeky Babies: Batman & Robin Crocheted Baby Costumes

There are lots of things new parents can do to be sure their newborn baby gets off on the right…

13 years ago

Beautiful Betty & Wilma Cosplay: Flashback To The Flintstones

We've featured so much over-the-top, fabulous cosplay (for people and animals) over the past year here on Bit Rebels that…

13 years ago

DIY “They Live” Alien Masks: Retro Sci-Fi Brilliance

They Live is one of my favorite sci-fi movies from the '80s. It's definitely in my top 5. Not only…

13 years ago

Grandparents Cosplay: Aged Star Wars Superhero Photography

There is a lot of talk about cosplay all around the web, isn't there? If you aren't too involved, it…

13 years ago

Pixar Lamp: Must Be The Best Costume Ever! [Video]

We are talking about Halloween costumes a lot these days, and I guess you know why. However, costumes aren't necessarily…

13 years ago

Steampunk Darth Vader Helmet: Copper Is Fashion

Would it be correct to say that Star Wars is a fashion these days? I mean, there are so many…

13 years ago

Hello Kitty In Ghostbusters: The Cosplay Proton Pack

It would be a valid question to ask how many of you are actually into cosplay, and what you wear…

13 years ago

Dog Cosplay: 12 Ridiculously Amazing Pet Costumes

The world is becoming ever more weird! Even though I don't personally have any pets these days, I have been…

13 years ago

Trekkies: The Killingest Star Trek Dress (Transporter Not Included)

I'm sure all my fellow girl Trekkies will agree that the Star Trek dresses in all the movies and television…

13 years ago

Eye-Popping Fan Created Chewbacca Costume

I am one of those people who lacks a good Halloween costume every year. Even though we've picked up the…

13 years ago

Ooh La La! Sexy Super Mario Latex Cosplay Costume

Dang, Mario has come a long way, hasn't he? Or, maybe I should say she. I'm staring at this sexy…

13 years ago

7 Pictures Of Real Everyday Life Cosplay

We are hearing more and more about cosplay, and it's becoming quite a movement. It's everywhere these days, and I…

13 years ago

Meet Miss Death Star: The Ultimate Star Wars Cosplay Dress

We've featured a lot of cosplay on Bit Rebels. It's so much fun, and it seems the costumes are getting…

13 years ago

Comic-Con Circa 1988: Take A Walk Back In Time

I've had a blast watching all the tweets about Comic-Con this week. If you go Twitter Search and put in…

13 years ago

The REAL Iron Man Suit Is From China

Yeah, so we here at Bit Rebels are huge Iron Man fans. We have talked about those movies, posted articles…

14 years ago