
Most Instagrammed Animals – Can You Guess? [Infographic]Most Instagrammed Animals – Can You Guess? [Infographic]

Most Instagrammed Animals – Can You Guess? [Infographic]

Instagram has become globally popular as a platform where users share snippets of their daily lives in the form of…

7 years ago

Wearable Computers For Rescue Dogs Will Help With Canine Communication

If you were thinking that wearable computers were just a fad, surely all the excitement surrounding Google glass and glass-like…

12 years ago

MySocialPetwork: A Social Media Site That Is Like Facebook For Pets

Some people say pets are more popular than celebrities in social media. I don't know if that's true, but I…

12 years ago

Pets And Owners Look Alike: This Photography Proves It [14 Pics]

Pets and owners really do look alike many times. As silly as this sounds, I'm not making it up. I…

12 years ago

Pets Who Are Famous On Twitter, Facebook & YouTube [Infographic]

If you have a pet who likes to watch you tweet and update your Facebook status, you might consider letting…

12 years ago

Kids And Pets Growing Up Together: A Heartwarming Photo Collection

There are few relationships in the world that are as special as kids with their pets. Kids and pets make…

12 years ago

A Special Tribute To The Loyal Dogs In Our Lives [15 Pics]

When you think about it, it's kind of strange that cats are so popular on the Internet. What's so special…

13 years ago

Volkswagen’s New Ad Hit: The Star Wars Theme Barked By Dogs

It's that time of the year again. It's the time when we are all awaiting the badass commercials during the…

13 years ago

iPhone Apps For Pets: A Frog, Lizard, Cat & Dog Play Games

We all know that everyone, regardless of age, can find something entertaining to do on an iPhone or iPad. Since…

13 years ago

Check Into Foursquare By Marking Your Territory (Like A Dog)

As Richard often points out in his articles, people send us emails each day of interesting things you guys might…

13 years ago

Creative Dog Costumes: When Cosplay Isn’t Just For Humans

The cosplay costumes that we humans put on in order to liven up a party or special event are part…

13 years ago

Cats That Play Scrabble [10 Pics]

When I first tuned into the Internet cat craze a few years ago, I thought for sure it would be…

13 years ago

Unique Photography: Dogs Shake Off Water In Slow Motion

If you are a dog lover, the pictures in this post are guaranteed to make you look twice. They will…

14 years ago

Animals Show Off Their Synchronized Swimming Skills

I often hear people say, "It's the little things in life that make it sweet." I have to agree with…

14 years ago

Pet Loc8tor: The Gadget That Finds Your Missing Pet

Most people I know who own pets, regardless if they are dogs or cats, treat them like family members. Whether…

14 years ago