french fries

Dream Come True: The Vending Machine That Dispenses Fresh French Fries

We've written about a lot of crazy cool vending machines here on Bit Rebels over the years, but I think…

12 years ago

How To Trick Your Brain Into Thinking An Apple Is Really French Fries

I live in the States, which is a country where people eat a lot of food, yet many of them…

12 years ago

Find Out How McDonald’s French Fries Are Made [Video]

There's no question that McDonald's french fries are America's favorite. I have yet to eat french fries that are better…

12 years ago

Behold A Ketchup Fountain: A French Fry Lover’s Dream

I've been writing about food a lot lately. Maybe I just need to get my butt out of this computer…

13 years ago

Potato Portraits: The Real Life Potato Heads

A potato is a versatile little veggie, isn't it? Not only can we cook it about a million different ways,…

14 years ago

WTF: Bikini Woman Freaks Out At Burger King

People are freaking crazy. There, I said it. No really, they are. No wonder I stay in my house on…

14 years ago

Check Out These Speed Paintings Created With Food

When I was younger, my parents always discouraged us from playing with our food. They always told us to finish…

15 years ago

Paintings of Junk Food: American Culture Illustrated

I'm not sure if I'm writing about this because my friend @Minervity is eating a big 'ol chocolate bar right…

15 years ago

McDonald’s – How It Works In Pictures

Have you ever been behind the counter in a McDonald's to see how it all works? When I was in…

15 years ago

The Double Cheeseburger with Zero Calories!

I love cheeseburgers and I love paper art, so this article makes me happy. Have you noticed that the trend…

15 years ago