
Interactive Bug Spray Billboard Proves Its Point With 230,000 Insects

We've written about interactive billboards before, but this is the first time I've seen one that is interactive with bugs…

12 years ago

Impressive Life-Like Bug Sculptures Created From Human Hair

I found this story completely by accident while reading an architecture blog and scouting for content for a client. The…

12 years ago

Mind Boggling Insects Created Out Of One Sheet Of Paper

No one really knows how many insects there are on planet earth. The fact that they have located and named…

13 years ago

Bizarre Beauty: Fake Eyelashes Created From Dead Fly Legs

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but if you ask some artists, it's more like the…

13 years ago

Photography: Squished Bugs Peeled From A Car Windshield

I've noticed there are two types of people in the world when it comes to bugs. There are some people…

13 years ago

10 Insects That Look Like Aliens

I know a lot of ladies are squeamish when it comes to bugs. I'm not one of them. Since I…

14 years ago

Science: Beautiful Rainbow Colored Ant Stomachs

In the 5th grade, I tried hard to come up with a cool science experiment for my class. I ended…

14 years ago

Nature’s Gift: 9 Beautiful Butterfly Wing Patterns

For me, one of the best ways to celebrate life is to get outside and enjoy nature. Sometimes for us…

14 years ago

Hungry? Try Edible Giant Toasted Ants!

When I was in Bangkok, Thailand a couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to experience their wonderful and…

14 years ago