
Military Style Hidden Safe Under The Bed Lets You Sleep On Valuables

There have been a lot of innovative devices designed over the years to deter thieves from breaking into our homes.…

12 years ago

Colorful Daytime Fireworks Created With 8,000 Military Shells

Before I even get into this article about these beautiful fireworks, I want to mention that this video was shot…

13 years ago

Photography: Abandoned and Lonely World War II Bunkers

Normally the words "beautiful" and "war" do not go together in the same sentence. However, this stunning photography of old…

14 years ago

The World’s Most Secure Safe… For Watches!

As some of you know, I am a watch fanatic. Since they are one of the few jewelry accessories a…

15 years ago

Keep Cool: New Active Personal Cooling System

Summers are great but they sometimes bring something with them that which we all just hate... that infamous heat that…

15 years ago

The Closest We’ll Get To A Real Lightsabre – A Wicked Laser!

Yesterday Richard wrote an article about lightsabres that basically told us all that unfortunately, in our lifetime, we would probably…

15 years ago

Wanna Be Superman? Scientists Say It’s Closer Than You Think

A lot of us dream of being Superman, or in my case, Wonder Woman. And, I'm not just saying that…

15 years ago

For A Better Marriage – The Fart Absorbing Blanket

Everyone knows that once your spouse starts freely letting the silent and deadly ones go in the night, the marriage…

15 years ago