
Apple’s ‘Let’s Talk iPhone’ Keynote: Some Mind Blowing Stats

I'm watching the Apple event online right now, like almost everyone I know. I have to admit, it was a…

13 years ago

Epic Mod: PS3 & XBox 360 All In One Box

Playing video games has been a trend since back in the '80s, and it's never really dissipated. It's been there…

13 years ago

The State Of The Tablet In Enterprises [Infographic]

There is no doubt that the tablet has been taking over the world one ipad at the time. There is…

13 years ago

What Your Computer Wallpaper Reveals About You

What does the wallpaper on your computer look like? Is it simple? Is it busy? Is it personal? Are your…

14 years ago

The PC Mod That Is Sexier Than A Mac

We all know that two of Apple's most famous catch phrases are "sexy" and "insanely great," which they pretty much…

14 years ago

World’s Smallest PC Makes Apple Shake In Their Boots

I must admit Apple has taken quite a great leap towards world domination with all their new technology and gadgets.…

14 years ago

17 Creative Circuit Board Inspired Designs

For non-geeks, circuit boards are ugly, sharp, confusing pieces of computer hardware that really make no sense at all. On…

14 years ago

Ultimate PC Tablet: Ending The Apple Tablet Reign

We see them come and go, but there's really only one that remains. Or should I say rather, the one…

14 years ago

Computer Viruses: 40 Year Timeline of Progression

Many websites (including Mashable) are reporting that 2011 is the 25th anniversary of computer viruses; however... upon digging further, I'd…

14 years ago

Lego PC Desktop Case: PCs Are Cool Again!

I'm a Mac girl. Even though I still use my PC almost every day for something, I'm on my Mac…

14 years ago

The World’s Largest Touchscreen

Holy batman, now that's a touchscreen! I'm going to tell you the size of this thing immediately because I know…

14 years ago

The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

Martin over at NortHACKton gets the ultimate geek award this week for sure with his etch-a-sketch computer hybrid. According to…

14 years ago

An Artistic Dedication To Our Beloved QWERTY Keyboard

As a geek, when you are feeling a little tired and lazy, there is nothing cozier than a QWERTY keyboard.…

14 years ago

The Klingon Keyboard: For Real or Spoof?

Every now and then I write about something that I wish I could tell you was a joke, but it…

14 years ago

Rog-R: World’s First Remote Controlled Computer Mod!

The remarkable people behind the creative community modifying computer cases never cease to impress me. To spend that amount of…

14 years ago