
An Extraterrestrial Predator Head Carved From A Humongous Tree Stump

There are a lot of things you can do with an old tree stump. You could make a swing, you…

11 years ago

Sci-Fi Fantasy Cosplay: Alien & Predator Are Best Buddies After All

We've featured some pretty insane sci-fi fantasy cosplay over the years, but this Alien and Predator cosplay is intense. I…

12 years ago

8 Movie Posters Redesigned To Feature The Easter Egg

This weekend a lot of people around the world will be coloring eggs, eating marshmallow peeps and chomping the heads…

13 years ago

The Disney Effect: 9 Popular Movie Posters Disneyfied

Walt Disney movies always have that signature Disney look. After you've seen a handful of them, you start to recognize…

13 years ago

9 Movie Titles Improved By Adding “In Bed”

I love it when people who know how to use Photoshop get silly. I've said before that I think it…

13 years ago

Create Your Own Googly-Eyed Zombie Pumpkins

Here in the States, many people leave pumpkins on their porch for decorations in October and November. Some people carve…

13 years ago
Epic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls CollectedEpic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls Collected

Epic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls Collected

All you Lego fanatics out there know that whenever there is a new epic build, we cover it. Hopefully all…

14 years ago

Art: Your Favorite Movies Compressed Into Barcodes

Is it just me or is data compression becoming a hot topic? Just the other day, Richard wrote an article…

14 years ago

The Internet Is A Dangerous Place…

The Internet has become a prime target for people out to cause you harm and contact you with malicious intent.…

14 years ago

Halloween Fun: The “Predator” Pumpkin Carving

Last Halloween season I wrote an article about how to make an extreme pumpkin carving. I remember what I was…

14 years ago

The Only Animal That Can Live Forever – Do You Know What It Is?

Today I would like to share with you an interesting little tidbit of knowledge that you will probably never use…

15 years ago

For my first trick…

So, this is my first post here on BitRebels. I really just wanted to give a 'Howdy' to everyone, and…

16 years ago