
Airpaq – An Upcycled Backpack Made Out Of Scrap Material From Cars!

The importance of recycling scrap materials that may otherwise end up in the trash is known to all of us.…

8 years ago

World’s First 3D Printer Built From E-Waste And Scraps

This story speaks to the determination and imagination some people have when it comes to creating greatness. If you want…

11 years ago

Fantastic Cardboard Foosball Table Made From All Recyclable Materials

There's something about playing on a sustainable gaming table that just feels good. It's time for me to share another…

12 years ago

Upcycled Vintage Shoes Become Retro Walkie-Talkies That Really Work

I wrote an article last week about the importance of recycling our old smartphones. Now that there are more smartphones…

12 years ago

Why It Is Important To Recycle Your Old Used Smartphones [Infographic]

I remember back in 2012 when I read an article on Mashable about how by the end of the year,…

12 years ago

Game Boy Mod Turns Game Boy Into Android Game Controller

One of the best things about technology is that sometimes old stuff becomes new again. What I mean is that…

12 years ago

Paper Bag Jacket For The Environmentally Aware

When you think about recycling, what image pops into your head? I doubt it has anything to do with clothes,…

12 years ago

Cardboard Design: An Elegant Restaurant Created From Cardboard

Cardboard is one of those tricky materials to recycle. First it has to be separated since wet or greasy cardboard…

12 years ago

Simple Recycling Turns Old Floppy Disks Into Retro Notepads

When it comes to recycling, we here at Bit Rebels have always had an eye out for the geeky stuff.…

12 years ago

That’s One Way To Reuse…House Covered In 30,000 Bottle Tops

If you were retired, and if you lived alone in the Siberian taiga in Russia where there are only about…

13 years ago

Brandy Keg Stereo For Recycling iPhone Pirates

Almost everything can be recycled, or at least that is how we look at it here at Bit Rebels. But…

13 years ago

Trash Bags Art: Illuminated Garbage Lights Up The City

We often talk about the environmental effects of all the plastic grocery bags that are produced each day, but what…

13 years ago

Wood Bicycles Will Have You Rolling In Style

It's quite astonishing what people can create from things that have been tossed away and discarded. Giving something a second…

13 years ago

Cork Pants & Jacket For Recycling Fanatics

There seems to be no end to the creativity in people's minds when it comes to the form, texture and…

13 years ago

Abraham Lincoln Tribute: Tower Created With 15,000 Books About Him

This year, here in the States, February 20th is President's Day. For the most part, it's one of those holidays…

13 years ago