
New Way To Taste Food: Smell It Through A Ridiculous Smartphone Add-On

This is so ridiculous, yet so creative. I've heard of people trying to lower the number of calories they eat,…

11 years ago

Scent Camera Allows Capturing Of Scents And Aromas

It's easy to assume that most people have at some point wanted to bottle a scent they have smelled by…

12 years ago

Now You Can Message Scents With The iPhone Scent Spray Accessory

If you think about it, is there any accessory that you feel is missing for a smartphone? I'm of course…

12 years ago

Food Ads & Billboards That Produce Virtual Odor That Smells Like Food

How would you like to walk passed a fried chicken advertisement that had a soft outgoing airflow with the scent…

12 years ago

The Science Behind Smelly Robot Armpits

If there were robots that looked exactly like humans roaming the earth, would you be able to tell the difference?…

14 years ago

Smell Like A Geek: Two Geeky Scents To Start Your Day

When I first wake up in the morning and before I go to bed at night, I make sure I…

14 years ago

How To: Make A Cute Clever Candle From A Tangerine

I love candles. They are all over my house all year long, but especially during the holidays. My favorite one,…

14 years ago

Typography Soap – The Cleanest Font Ever Created

Now this is the kind of soap that makes me get excited about getting dirty! I can't wait to mess…

15 years ago

E-book Accessory: Your E-books Can Smell Like Musty Books!

There is no question that e-books are becoming more popular. From 2002 - 2008 it seems you couldn't give e-books…

15 years ago