
How The Team At Vine Decided That Vine Videos Should Be 6 Seconds Long

When Twitter launched back in 2006, the question on everyone's minds was why were tweets limited to 140 characters? I've…

11 years ago

Star Trek: The 60 Second Papercraft Short Movie Version

Why is it that Star Wars fans and Star Trek fans don't get along?  I mean, everyone knows that there…

14 years ago

LEGO Star Wars Movie: The Escape Of The Black Stormtrooper

Alright, it might not be a long feature movie, but LEGO short movies have always been very entertaining to say…

14 years ago

The Designer Way Of Cutting And Styling Your Hair!

Hair grows, so being worried about an accident while getting a haircut or finding out that you are not really…

14 years ago

Zelda On Paper: Stop Motion Twist Of The Classic Game!

Zelda is one of my favorite games of all time, and I played it until I finished it back in…

14 years ago

Running Short On Friends? – Maybe “CleverBot” Is For You!

Sitting in front of the computer too often can truly deplete the number of real life friends that you might…

15 years ago

Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for realistically animated short movies. I take every free second…

15 years ago

Typolution | Best Typography Short Movie Ever

As I was compiling an article about typography and it's origins I stumbled over this amazing looking and genius short…

15 years ago

The Cat Came Back

In the wonderful world of twitter, I was reminded of a cartoon I watched (thanks @maddisondesigns), must have been in…

15 years ago