
History Of Twitter From Twttr To IPO Is Full Of Memories [Infographic]

So many people are quick to bag on Twitter these days. They go on and on about how it's not…

11 years ago

Drunk Tweeting: Dangers Of Tweeting Under The Influence [Infographic]

If you've gotten on Twitter or Facebook after having a bottle of wine at dinner or one too many beers…

11 years ago

These First World Problems On Twitter Will Make You Giggle [12 Pics]

Sometimes the stuff we get upset over is silly. I'm the first to admit I get all puffed up over…

12 years ago

Twittertape: Old-Timey Steampunk Twitter Machine That Prints Tweets

There have been a lot of innovative builds and apps created over the years that decipher or print tweets. One…

12 years ago

The Filthiest Tweets On Twitter: State By State [Infographic]

Ever since Twitter first started, the service has been filled with people who want to blast the world with their…

12 years ago

World’s First Twitter Hotel Is A Paradise For Twitterholics

If you use social media primarily for business, you probably look forward to unplugging when you are on vacation. On…

12 years ago
The Underground World Of Fake Twitter Followers [Infographic]The Underground World Of Fake Twitter Followers [Infographic]

The Underground World Of Fake Twitter Followers [Infographic]

Why would anyone want fake Twitter followers? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of being on Twitter? If the followers…

12 years ago

Mind Your Manners: Social Media Hashtag Etiquette [Infographic]

I remember learning about Twitter hashtags back in 2009, and after they became popular, the former 'pound sign' was never…

12 years ago

Updated Study Shows Most Important SEO Ranking Factors [Infographic]

We've written a lot of articles about SEO, and it's a topic we are truly passionate about. In the blogging…

12 years ago

Gozaik: Most Sophisticated & Effective Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Statistics show that the average person will change jobs 7 times in his or her lifetime. Many people keep an…

12 years ago

Twitter Analyzer Can Determine Your Age By Evaluating Your Tweets

Ageism in social media is a double-edged sword. With Twitter specifically, ageism isn't apparent (at least to me) in the…

12 years ago

Teenage Girl Develops Twitter Plugin To Hide TV Spoilers In Tweets

How many times have you DVR'ed your favorite shows only to have them ruined by seeing the spoiler alerts in…

12 years ago

11 Rude Tech Industry Twitter Types & How To Translate Their Tweets

We've written about a lot of different Twitter personality types over the years, but this particular list makes my skin…

12 years ago
How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]

How Techspeak Can Hurt Your English Grammar Skills [Infographic]

If you spend a lot of time on text, Twitter, Skype chat or any other instant messaging service (who doesn't…

12 years ago

Facebook Supposedly Incorporating Facebook Hashtags Into The Service

Get ready for Facebook hashtags! I'm one of those weird people who didn't sign up for a Facebook account until…

12 years ago