I remember a decade ago, one way you could tell if a man would make a good boyfriend was if he would carry around your lip gloss in his pocket all night. Remember that ladies? When we went out, we didn’t want to have to carry anything, so we’d hand our necessities off to our guy to put in his pockets.
These days things are a little different though. Since we don’t want to be away from our iPhones for even a minute, we don’t want to hand it off to be lost deep in someone else’s pocket all night. So we are back to the days of carrying a purse everywhere, but that doesn’t mean we want to be bogged down with anything heavy.
These Double Agent Shoes could be just what we need for a fun night out. They are shoes with a secret compartment built into the heel which can store money, ID, keys, make-up, tampons and anything else we want to stick in there. I don’t think the space is big enough to fit an iPhone in there, but we wouldn’t want to store our iPhones in our shoe anyway so that doesn’t matter. These shoes are all handmade and fabulous. The name of each shoe design is almost as sexy as the shoes themselves. What a smart idea to put a secret vault inside a shoe! You can read more about this at Double Agent Shoes. The design called The Safari is definitely my favorite one. They start at around $145 and go up from there.
Via: [Laughing Squid]