Optical illusions are always mind-trippy, but when artists and designers take it one step further to create negative space art or even logos with double meanings, it gets even more freakishly bizarre. I am always more blown away that some can create something like that than I am in the hidden images themselves. It seems like you’d have to have two separate brains working together to even be able to see both sides of it during the design process. I suppose that is why I’m not a designer, and I’d love to interview someone someday who does this kind of art.
It always reminds me of those pictures we sometimes see where if we blur our eyesight, we can see otherwise hidden images pop out. Each one of these drawings below has a hidden image in it, and depending on which image you see first will determine which one is hidden and which one is obvious. These illustrations were inspired by Gestalt Psychology. We’ve seen examples of Gestalt psychology tests in movies where the subject is shown a picture and whether they see a bird or a machine gun (for example) supposedly offers insight into their psychological well-being.
With the way our brains work, we can only see one image at a time, so instead of seeing both simultaneously, our brain switches back and forth (multistable perception). It’s like that famous old woman/young woman image that we’ve all seen before. That photo was drawn in 1915 by W.E. Hill. Regardless of all this psychology stuff, I just think looking at illustrations with hidden images in them is fun. It’s like jumping jacks for the brain. The images you see below (click on them to see the words on the bottom of each one) were all illustrated by Fabio D’Altilia. Can you see both images in each one?
Click Hidden Images Illustrations To Enlarge
Via: [My Modern Met]