I don’t know about you, but I love houses that have secret rooms and passageways. I don’t see many new houses with those, unless they are put in after the house is built, but some of the old historic homes I’ve seen on home tours still have them. Living in one of those houses would be like knowing a big secret that nobody else knows. If I had a secret room in my house, I would never tell anyone. Just knowing it’s a secret is one of the best parts.
Just the other day I wrote about a Remote Controlled Secret House Entrance, and I was giddy the whole time I was writing that article. It’s a brilliant way to add a secret entrance into your home that nobody else will know about. Today I saw an article on inthralld that featured 15 houses with secret rooms, and I took my favorite 10 out of that collection to share with you here.
Some secret rooms are lame because even though they are hidden, the homeowner does something dorky like put a doorknob on the entrance. Doh! To me, that’s not a secret room. A secret room or passageway is an entrance that is hidden, and when you open it up, it’s like a whole new world opens up inside. It’s kinda like having a real life TARDIS. So the question is, if you could have a secret room or passageway in your house, what would it be like? What would be inside? Where in your house would it be?
In the mystery movies, it seems there is always a secret room in the library of the house. Since I don’t have a library, I would probably put my secret room in the floor somewhere, and then cover it with a rug or a piece of furniture. The staircase going down would lead to something great…
10 Houses With Intriguing Secret Rooms & Passageways
Via: [inthralld]