iPoo Toilet: For A Unique Apple Bathroom Experience

Are you one of those people who has every product ever made by Apple? Do you hang onto all your old Mac laptops long after you aren’t using them anymore because you are emotionally attached to them? Do you have an Apple logo on your Twitter avatar, on a bumper sticker or even on a tattoo? Did you cry more when Steve Jobs died than when your grandmother died? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be an Apple fanboy.

If so, the iPoo Toilet might be for you. It will provide you with the most technologically advanced bathroom experience you’ve ever had. Its sleek design will fit your butt perfectly, and it has only one button. And in case you were wondering, the iPoo does fully support Flush.

The iPoo is compatible with all other Apple products, and if you wait just a little bit longer, you’ll be able to get the iPoo 2 which will be released on the same day as the iPad 3. The iPoo will cost you twice as much as all other toilets on the market, but c’mon, it’s the iPoo. The cool factor alone is worth the money. This awesome (or ridiculous, depending on how you look at it) sarcastic concept design is by Milos Paripovic. Check out his website for this and many other goodies.

Technology Enhanced Bathroom Experience

Technology Enhanced Bathroom Experience

Technology Enhanced Bathroom Toilet

Technology Enhanced Bathroom Toilet