The Super Brain Phone Booth Protects You With Brain Matter

There’s nothing like a humongous and artistic super brain phone booth complete with pink brain matter to make talking on the phone fun again. I could really get into this, literally. I barely talk on the phone anymore. Talking on the phone is so communication 1.0 to me. Nope, in my life, it’s Twitter DM or text all the way baby. Nah, I’m just joshing, but I wish that were true.

This beauty of a brain was designed by artist Carla Pires de Carvalho Fernandes for a series of public phone booths in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It’s actually called a phone cabin or hood, and there were 100 of them designed by different artists.

If you would like to view more of these phone booth hoods, you can visit the Galeria de Fotos. There are several in there worthy of being featured, but this brain one is definitely my favorite. People are voting on which ones they like best, and from what I can see, at this moment, the Super Brain has the most votes too. Yay!

I think it’s great that the city of Sao Paulo is trying to spice up their public spaces with more interesting visuals, and placing retro phone booths with fabulous designs all over the city is such a creative idea. It makes phone booths both relevant and interesting again. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a working phone booth here in Atlanta. There is a restaurant here that has an old-fashioned phone booth outside on the lawn as a decoration. I’m trying to get them to sell it to me so I can paint it blue and make my own TARDIS, but that’s a whole different story.



