Time Warp Photography: Yoda Was A War Hero In The 1930s

Just the other day, Richard wrote an article called Star Wars Characters From 1921. It was a bizarrely interesting combination of steampunk and old-timey messages which combined to show us what those characters might have looked like if they were created in that decade.

This article also portrays some Star Wars characters from that time period, but photographer Danil Polevoy took a different approach. He took not only Star Wars characters, but also Spider-Man, Captain America, Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln and even the rock band KISS, and he put them into a time machine so they could travel to a world they were never meant to be in.

What if something were to happen and time as we know it was warped into a mashed up mess like this? Scientists always say we don’t truly understand the magic of time and how it really works. I remember back in 2009, I wrote an article about the first time machine which was just being built. When I was a little girl, I put a chair inside my closet. I would go in there, close the door, sit on the chair in the dark and press a pretend button. When I opened my closet door, I was in a different time and place. It may sound silly, but you never know. Someday time travel could very well be a reality. In the meantime, you can check out Danil Polevoy to see the rest of this fabulous photography collection.

Danil Polevoy Yoda Photography

Danil Polevoy Star Wars Photographs

Danil Polevoy Stormtrooper Photography

Danil Polevoy Old Looking Photography

Danil Polevoy Star Wars Photography

Danil Polevoy Einstein Thinking Photography

Danil Polevoy Old Time Photography

Danil Polevoy Old Timey Band

Danil Polevoy Timewarp Photography

Danil Polevoy Old Timy Photography