We often write about the dynamics of viral content, and how brands can create a buzz online. It’s a very different process than traditional marketing, and this is a great example. A coffee company called Tonx created this flowchart below about how to make coffee without a coffee maker. Because it’s fun to follow the arrows all the way to the bottom, it’s gotten a huge spread online. They plugged themselves here and there, but it’s not overdone.
What a great example for how to create viral content and increase brand awareness. I have never heard of Tonx before I read this, so this piece of marketing did its job on me. However, this goes beyond just being a great marketing tool. It’s also a fun flowchart, and it really does show you how to make coffee without a coffee maker. In other words, this is actually valuable information.
I’ve made coffee without filters before (by folding up a napkin or paper towel), but never without a coffee maker (instant coffee is cheating, so that doesn’t count). If you were stuck out in the middle of nowhere, like deep in a forest or camping, these tips could definitely come in handy.
When there is a Starbucks down the street though, I can’t imagine making coffee like this unless it was an emergency situation. I have a question for you. If you were in an emergency situation and you desperately wanted a cup of coffee but you had no water – would you turn your urine into water (if you could) and drink coffee made with that? (it’s a suggestion on this chart) I guess that answer depends on how much of a coffee addict you are.
So if you’ve ever wanted to know how to make coffee without a coffee maker, here ya go. I wonder if it’s possible to make a Caramel Macchiato without a coffee maker. Probably not. Wishful thinking.
How To Make Coffee Without A Coffee Maker
(Click Flowchart To Enlarge)
Via: [Design Taxi]