Japan: A Nation Determined To Recover [20 Surreal Pics]

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. The heartbreak continues, and there are still hundreds of bodies that are unaccounted for. Experts say that approximately 28,000 people either died or are still missing as a result of this tragedy.

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, the stress on the Japanese people continues to compound as concerns about the radiation leaks from the Fukushima nuclear plant continue to rise. According to Mail Online, just this week an earless bunny was born near the reactor. Although at this time they cannot confirm that the birth defect in the rabbit is a result of the radiation, it’s certainly a question that a lot of people want answered. Despite all the sadness this tragedy has caused, when I saw these before and after pictures, I was truly inspired.

The Japanese people are so strong, and they have obviously come together in the spirit of community to rebuild their nation. These are some of the pictures which show the incredible clean-up progress. The before pictures were taken back in March, and the after pictures were taken the beginning of June. When you see these images, you’ll realize how powerful their determination to rebuild their country is. We can all learn a lot from their strength and perseverance. God bless you all. We have not forgotten you. You are still in our thoughts and prayers.

Before and After (the clean-up continues)…

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress

Japan Disaster Clean Up Progress