The concept of social engagement is constantly changing and evolving. That is probably because it depends on people, not systems, and people are unpredictable and finicky. If you’ve kept up with the trends in social media and what it takes to be successful, you know that social engagement is key. Without engaging with others, whether they are your personal friends or your brand’s fans or followers, you will struggle with gaining traction in social media when it comes to influence, reach and popularity.
When I think about my own social engagement, it’s inconsistent at best, and it often depends on what I have going on in my life. I may go for a few months without engaging with anyone, and then I’ll go for just as long engaging with people every day. That may be somewhat acceptable for personal social media accounts, but when it comes to brands, consistency is critical in the recipe for success.
Spredfast social media management just came out with the results of their comprehensive study on this topic of social engagement. In addition to much more information which you can read and download if you click over to their site, they’ve presented their findings in this infographic chart called the 2012 Social Engagement Exam.
We here at Bit Rebels have been studying this stuff for years, and it’s interesting to me that some of their findings are consistent with things we noticed in 2010 and 2011. For example, they found that most of the social engagement on the web happens on Facebook. Facebook has ten times more engagement than Twitter. That is also consistent with what we’ve seen. We have more success with 26,000+ Facebook fans than we have with over 10 times as many Twitter followers. If you are interested in social media, I think you’ll find this very interesting. It points to the direction things will be headed in the new year.
The State Of Social Engagement
(Click Infographic To Enlarge)
Via: [Social Media Today] Header Image Credit: [The Miller Group]