How To: Beat Airport Baggage Limits & Fees

We all know that in the past few years, airlines have really cracked down on baggage restrictions. Not only have they gotten super strict about what they will allow people to carry-on the flight, but they have also started charging fees for checked luggage, which in the past was free.

This isn’t really a problem for me since I am the opposite of many women when it comes to packing for a trip. I am not high maintenance when it comes to that, and I don’t pack much. I flew to China a few months ago with only a small backpack. However, for some people, I can see how these new restrictions might be a major inconvenience. If you are one of those passengers who likes to break the rules, annoy everyone sitting in your row, and look ridiculously ugly doing it, this Rufus Roo jacket might be just the thing for you.

With this jacket, you could probably take a couple extra pairs of shoes, a library of books, two weeks worth of food, a couple bottles of wine, a six-pack of beer, your desktop computer and the kitchen sink without having to pay extra. Ok, maybe not, but you get the idea. There is really no other explanation required. These pictures are worth a thousand words. You can buy one of these for yourself at Rufus Roo for about 30 bucks.

Airport Airline Luggage Surcharge

Airport Airline Luggage Surcharge

Airport Airline Luggage Surcharge

Airport Airline Luggage Surcharge

Via: [Oh Gizmo] Header Image Credit: [Holger Graebner / Shutterstock]