A Picture Paints a Thousand Words: Literally!

There are so many ways to create pictures now with existing pictures.  What do I mean?  One favorite is picture mosaic.  This enables you to create another image using a variety of pictures.  But if you are a lover of text or fonts ot type, then you will love the installation art created by a genius in my opinion.

Here is a site where the artist truly paint pictures using words.  Works of artist Ralph Ueltzhoeffer from Germany.  His current works range from installation (web-art-project “Textportrait”) to other medias like Photography and personal computers. It deals with the notion of value and architecture of information, biographical texts (Wikipedia) and photos in symbiosis for a textportrait. Black & white, and colour photography, concentrating on human aspects.



Inextricably linked, David Beckham and Manchester. A football icon is on art and living a fairy tale, as it probably happens once every hundred years. What has David Beckham, and why the English youth idolized him so much? Oversized it hangs in the MAC (Manchester Arts Center) and mixes with the view of the skyline of his city. Ralph Ueltzhoeffer portraits of David Beckham as a text portrait. A few words should be enough … “Manchester”. The artist himself is less interested in football, more so for people who have influenced and changed by the general public. In all this we should not forget that David Beckham is a soccer player David Beckham or the product, as we know it?

ground_zero_missingMISSING PEOPLE

Grundlange this trans-spatial installation, which in several places in New York City, was almost the same time and presented in a similar constellation of the viewer, the “Multiple Portrait” MISSING. Ralph Ueltzhoeffer used the latest “People Missing Report” (2007), this gave him the foundation from which you create individual portraits of missing persons, an anonymous, multiple portrait. Together with the artist Laura Maria May was the beginning of 2008 to places like Ground Zero, the cafe in Europe and the Chelsea Art Gallery – Tomwell, text portraits are exhibited or installed. […]

The pictures you see here are just samples of the amazing work of Ralph Ueltzhoeffer.  You can check his other works  here.

If you fancy trying out your hand on doing some Text Art why not check the links found here.


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