Digital Marketing Tips For A Small Web Design Firm Just Starting Out

The world of digital marketing can be extremely competitive regardless of your business niche. Small web design companies are no different as they not only have to compete with other design firms but also digital marketing agencies as well as freelancers. The quality of work produced is going to be the most important as retaining clients that need multiple projects done per month can be immensely valuable to the future of the company.

Clients are also very willing to refer friends/colleagues to a company that hit a deadline with a quality of work beyond their expectations. The following are tips for web design firms of a smaller size that are just starting out.

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Target Local Keywords First

Targeting local design keywords first can be a massive help as many smaller companies want to meet their designers in person. Once you have ranked well for the local area, then expanding the keyword list should be done. If you have a designer that specializes in e-commerce websites, then target this niche or a designer that specializes in interactive design.

Create a list of keywords that will result in leads being generated that match the expertise of the designers on the team. Link building will have to be done on relevant sites in order to help rankings, but with quality content, many relevant sites are more than willing to publish an article with your business’ link.

Market What Makes The Design Firm Different/Better

If your firm adds animated SVG icons or is known for unique designs, this is something that should be marketed. The customer experience should also be marketed as there are those clients that simply just want an easy design team to work with. Writing articles about what can make a client’s design journey as smooth as possible is a perfect example.

When sending out marketing materials, outlining the process for completing a project can be very useful. A client might see the process and think it is as seamless as they have been searching for. Market what makes the design firm better as well as different than larger firms or other small design companies.

Cool Projects For Large Websites Contributed Can Garner A Lot Of Attention

Creating a fantastic interactive page on a massive website like that of MTV for a series finale is an excellent example of how to garner attention. The money spent in labor for this need to be taken into consideration as receiving no leads/sales from a project is a waste of money. Many companies want to work with those designers that have their work published on huge websites.

There are plenty of designers that say that they are gurus but could never have a project they put together on a publication like the Huffington Post. This not only shows expertise, but it assures potential clients of the quality of work they will receive.

Take the time to create a strategy that helps your small design firm compete with much larger firms with larger marketing budgets. A little design firm can land large contracts with huge brands as these brands want a flexible as well as a skilled firm working with them!

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