A Creative, Inspiring Employee Break Room Design

It’s so refreshing to see more and more companies following the lead of the world’s most creative and successful businesses by making the work environment for their employees more fun and inspiring. Just the other day, Richard wrote about a company in Germany that installed huge slides for their employees to ride on to get from one level of the building to the next. How fun would that be? It makes a boring elevator seem so old fashioned, doesn’t it? I wanna go there, and I wanna ride on it!

This is another example of a company going out of their way to inspire and cater to their employees. At the Bloomberg London office, they recently had a new “employee break room” designed, if you can call it that. They hired Raw Edges, a design team, to create the “Pond.

The Pond is basically a circular bench and creative place employees can go to hang out for a few minutes. It is decorated with a beautiful collage of computer screens that display inspiring animations. They bring the person sitting there back their child-like fantasies as they watch computer-animated frogs, ducks, fish, water ripples and lily pads. All these things work together to create a modern day pond. In addition to gifting their employees with such a creative place to eat lunch, all 60 of the computer screens are from their own trash bin at Bloomberg. They were cleaned up and recycled, along with the 40 wooden pallets also used. This is just fantastic on so many different levels! I hope we see more of this kind of thing in the future.

Employee Break Room Design

Employee Break Room Design

Employee Break Room Design

Employee Break Room Redesign

Via: [Inhabitat]