If you are a regular visitor on Bit Rebels, you know we often write about brand new technology innovations when they are first introduced on crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter and indiegogo. If you’ve read about the crowdfunding trends over the past year, you know that some people have raised insane amounts of money in short periods of time. What do all the super successful campaigns have in common? There are many things actually, but one is that they have a strong marketing video.
Crowdfunding has opened the floodgates when it comes to funding innovations, and it’s the reason many products exist today. When someone sets up a Kickstarter campaign, for example, they are encouraged to create a stunning marketing video. If you do a quick search for the most successful crowdfunded campaigns, you’ll notice that they all have a strong marketing video. The question is, how do you go about creating one of those videos?
A creative, powerful business video can be useful not only for crowdfunding purposes, but for all kinds of online marketing purposes. The thing is though, many brands think in terms of traditional marketing when they create these types of videos, which is a recipe for disaster. For an example of this, just think about the last time you started to watch a video on YouTube and the intro was so long that you lost interest before you even got into it.
We’ve written about how to create a viral video before, and although there are some similarities, for the most part, creating a strong business marketing video is very different. This infographic called Quality Above All: Assuring Your Business Video Leaves The Rest In The Dust by KZO Innovations offers some great things to consider when you’re putting together your own video.
According to the Kickstarter blog, they just launched their Video Mode feature last month. This feature highlights the marketing video more than ever before. You can also click over to Fast Company to read How To Make A Kickass Kickstarter Video for even more tips. Enjoy!
How To: Create A Successful Business Marketing Video
(Click Infographic To Enlarge)
Via: [Social Media Today] Header Image Credit: [webolutions]