Auto Ink: The Wacky Automatic Tattooing Machine

Aww… what a wonderful invention. Now the next time we have a party at home and all get drunk and decide it’s time for tattoos, we don’t even have to go anywhere! We can just pull the ‘ol automatic tattoo machine out of the closet and form a line. We can all get random religious symbols that we can’t read tattooed on our arms. w00t! Laugh it up, but it’s better than getting “Bubba” tattooed on our asses, don’t you agree?

For me personally, I’ve never been a big fan of anything where you have use a leather strap to keep from moving during the process. It looks kinda like a torture machine from the 1800s, but hey, that’s just me. I’m sure some people would really get into it.

Maybe I could use this to get my son to behave. You talked back to me again? Put your arm in the tattoo machine young man! Nah… I have other way more sinister ideas for this badboy. All joking aside, the designer, Chris Eckert, did a fabulous job. You can go to Chris Eckert’s website to learn more about this nifty little invention and to track his progress as he was making it. I’m dying to hear what the experience was like from anyone who actually used it. Nice job! It’s creativity at its best!

Automatic Arm Tattooing Design

Automatic Arm Tattooing Invention

Automatic Arm Tattooing Table