Years ago, whenever we thought of knitting or crocheting, we probably thought of little old ladies sitting in rocking chairs with metal knitting needles. However, those days are long gone, and these days even the cool kids on the block are crocheting. Some of the crocheted designs we’ve featured are really funky, and they are definitely not the kind of things you’d associate with traditional crocheting.
For example, check out these creepy Crocheted Masks, these uber cute crocheted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and these crocheted Star Wars Tie Fighters. Today I want to show you something that blows all of these away. It truly takes crocheting to a whole new level.
Have you ever seen an entire room crocheted? Kate Jenkins, a very talented artist in the UK, spent a whole month crocheting everyday things in her signature style for a special themed room at the Pelirocco hotel in Brighton. Everything from the curtains, the toothpaste, the telephone, the food, the lamp and the bed dressings are all crocheted. The room is called “Do Knit Disturb,” and it’s available now for booking. Of course, this makes you wonder if the things in this room are technically knitted or crocheted. I looked up the difference between the two, but I’m still not sure. There is a debate about it online. I’m calling this crocheted, and it’s fabulous!
Via: [Oddity Central]