Designer Gas Masks: Disaster Fashion For Emergencies

This surprisingly stunning collection of designer gas masks is one of those lovely things that has been floating around the Internet here and there for a few years now, but I just saw them for the first time today. They are morbid and strange, yet beautifully designed, so I knew I had to share them with you.

I would guess that if we were confronted with a disaster where we quickly needed to put on a military gas mask, perhaps one of these on our faces, fashion would probably not cross our minds; however, I can imagine some people would want to keep up appearances, even when faced with war.

The designer, Diddo Velema, had a little more substance in mind when he created these. He wrote, “We are in a state of perpetual war – with ourselves and with the eco-system that sustains us. Perpetual war breeds perpetual fear. In the present context, this fear stems from our extreme desire for authenticity and manifests itself in our collectively insatiable culture of consumption. Designer Gas Masks is an attempt to visualize this state of mind.” So, on a more superficial level, which gas mask would you choose to complement your wardrobe? The choices are Louis Vuitton, Gucci or diamond encrusted. It’s a crazy thing to think about, isn’t it?

Louis Vuitton Gas Mask

Louis Vuitton Gas Mask

Diamond Encrusted Gas Mask

Diamond Encrusted Gas Mask

Gucci Fancy Gas Mask

Gucci Fancy Gas Mask

Gucci Fancy Gas Mask

Via: [How To Be A Retronaut] [Official Hype]