You can kinda tell when you look at these redesigned pop culture icons that artist Alex Pardee was inspired by his years of watching horror movies and writing graffiti. To this day, he likes to cover just about any surface with his bizarre characters.
In a post published on Eyesunk Ink on January 19, he explained why he calls this collection Icans. According to Alex, “because whether SOPA passes or not, I will continue to take any licensed character or pop culture icon and do whatever I want with it for art’s sake, because ICAN.” Dang. You tell ’em.
I like these because they are original and fun. They ooze of creativity, and although we’ve featured a lot of superheroes and characters that have been re-imagined, I’ve never seen anything like these before. I have a feeling that Alex didn’t intend for that Hulk to look kinda cute and cozy, but he does. I just want to reach out and squish him like a pillow. I also like the Garfield a lot too. The Superman looks like a girl. I’m just saying, he’s got some rockin curves. These are very nice, Alex! You can purchase Alex’s artwork Blonde Grizzly.
Via: [Laughing Squid]