Master Your Messy Desk With The LCD Monitor Hub Station

Right now, the top of my desk looks like a tornado recently ripped through my house. Of course I have the usual junk like used sticky notes with phone numbers written all over them, old receipts, hard drives and papers that need to be filed.

However, in addition to that, I also have a few empty cans of Diet Coke, some video cards, the tiny pink screwdrivers I use to take apart a PC, my iPod, mint lip balm and a ton of other miscellaneous junk. If you are a woman who works on her computer all day like I do, then your desk is kind of like your purse, right? It’s just bigger and contains more stuff. It reminds me of this article that was so much fun to write called, “The Truth Comes Out: What Women Carry In Their Handbags.”

Today I discovered this LCD Monitor Hub Station designed to help us junk magnets get organized. According to Red Ferret, “It gives you three pockets, a document holder and a four port USB hub without taking up much space at all.” Hmm… the more I look at this thing, the more I think it would annoy me. I would probably just find a way to transport my mess closer into my view and onto my monitor instead of getting rid of it. As a matter of fact, in order to get organized, I probably need the opposite of this. I need a monitor that is clean and sleek and a desk with no drawers. That way, I will be forced to stay tidy, right? I don’t know. Maybe I should just accept the fact that I’m messy. If you think this hub station might help you, you can buy one here for about $61.

Image Credit: [Dennis Cox / Shutterstock]