Photography: Colorful Thread Transformed Into Stunning Artwork

These beautiful, colorful linear installations aren’t computer generated. Designer Sebastien Preschoux sets these up himself, outside in the natural world. He likes working in the forest, among the trees.

According to an interview on Trendland, Sebastien likes working outside because, “no one disturbs you, you take the time you want, the time you need.” He uses thread to create these lines and to create graphics in places where there were none before.

After stretching the thread in the forest between the tree branches very precisely, he places the light in just the right place. Then he takes his photographs. The end result is these stunning images below. Sometimes he is able to work with the sunlight to achieve the look he wants. Other times, like in his series called “Nocturnes,” he works at night and uses night photography to capture the right look for the photograph. When I first saw these, I thought they were the work of a photoshop artist, but they aren’t. They are simply stunning works of art, sometimes called thread sculptures, created by a patient, talented, inspirational artist.