Awesome Classic Game Characters In A Race To The Finish Line…

Who’s your favorite game character of all time and why? Did you base your decision on the speed it has or purely out of amazement for its features and looks? Well, these are questions only you can answer of course. What would happen if you put them in a race to see who could cross the finish line first? Are you confident enough that your favorite character would win the gold medal in such a race, or is it just a dream? And how can you be sure who would win if you don’t have the proof to back it up?

Well, Steve Williams has put it all together for you, proof and all. No longer do you need to dread those awful situations arguing why your favorite character is the one that would beat all the other one’s butts by leaps and bounds. In a brilliant and funny video, Steve doesn’t only prove a pretty solid claim, but also his skills when it comes to animation and music.

So, before you argue why this video doesn’t hold up to your opinion and why the winner isn’t worthy, just make sure you understand what the winner can do and how it all will affect the outcome of an already lost race for all the other characters. I have the power to totally reveal who will win and that power is truly tempting. I will tell you this… the winner is… Seriously, watch the damn thing and see it for yourself.