Positive Ways In Which AI Helps Game Developers

Are you one of the many game developers worried about your job now when AI is taking leaps seemingly every day? – The introduction of Artificial Intelligence into work practices has been met with mixed opinions.

There are some who are afraid they are going to lose their jobs to AI and there are others who have embraced AI within their sector. Video games is a good example and there are many ways in which AI is helping game developers.

Positive Ways AI Helps Game Developers


Game Developers – Code Generation

Game code can be extremely complex, especially in modern video games which are pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Coding for video games can take up much of the time when creating a game and it is the one area of gaming development where bugs are often present. Thanks to the introduction of AI, developers can produce error-free code efficiently and this means fewer bugs in games.

Using AI to develop code significantly speeds up the entire process of creating a game and can allow developers to spend more time on other aspects of the game, such as the storyline, character development, and graphic design.

Some people have even used ChatGPT to create code for a game and while it usually needs some tweaking, it provides a good basis for a game.

AI Level Generation

One of the ways in which developers are beginning to use AI in online game design is through procedural generation. Using algorithms, procedural generation can create maps and levels within games automatically. So, each time a player starts a game, the levels and items within the game are different.

AI can be used to create a unique gaming experience every time they play the game. AI can also learn the patterns of behaviour of a player within the game and provide a more personalised experience.

Gaming models can be created using AI to predict the way a player will behave in a game.

Online Casino Gaming

AI is revolutionizing online casino gaming by provider a better overall gaming experience for players. The use of AI might not be seen immediately in the development of casino games or by the user when playing games but it is already being used in other ways.

For example, when returning to an online casino after previously playing games, your homepage will be personalized with game recommendations and promotions. At Razed Casino, by clicking on the ‘Recently Played’ link, it will show the games played most recently.

This is an excellent feature and allows players to return to their favourites games without having to search for them. AI will add to this by also showing recommendations based on previous casino games played.

One area of online casino gaming that is of concern to many is problem gambling. Knowing when to stop is crucial to avoid developing a gambling problem and AI can help by identifying problem gambling patterns. The casino can intervene quickly and stop the problem getting out of hand.

This can also apply to video games that feature in-game purchases. There have been cases where some players have spent more than they can afford on loot boxes and AI could help by identifying when a player is spending too much.

Disclaimer: The above references an opinion of the author and is for information purposes only. Never gamble for more than you can afford to lose. Gambling can lead to a serious addiction. Gamble responsibly.

Positive Ways AI Helps Game Developers


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