It’s hard to believe there have been 792 total episodes of Doctor Who between 1963 and 2013. Of course, it wasn’t on television all those years. It was cancelled in 1989 and then brought back again in 2005. It’s the longest running science fiction show in television history. It even beat out Star Trek for that title. If you are a Doctor Who fan, you know that earlier this month the 12th incarnation of the Doctor was announced. Peter Capaldi is 55 years old, and he’s the oldest Doctor cast yet.
You can read more about Peter and when he’ll begin his role as the Doctor on The Clock Strikes Twelve As The Newest Doctor Is Announced. If you are excited about seeing the new Doctor in action, this infographic will help you as you wait. It’s called Doctor Who Turns 50 (by Direct Select TV), and it’s a jam-packed science fiction lover’s trail through the history of Doctor Who with some interesting facts sprinkled into the mix.
If you weren’t a fan of the Doctor before reading this, hopefully you will be after. The Doctor is a sort of geeky superhero in a way. Once you start watching the show, you’ll surely be hooked. You don’t have to start from the beginning to enjoy it either. As a matter of fact, the last few seasons with Matt Smith as the Doctor are some of the best yet.
To this day, I dream of what it would be like if a TARDIS really existed. If I could choose one thing from one science fiction show to be real, it would have to be a TARDIS. Well, a TARDIS and R2. So check out this infographic to learn more about Doctor Who, Daleks and the famous TARDIS. Enjoy!
An Infographic For Doctor Who Science Fiction Fans
(Click To Enlarge)