On Friday, my Twitter friend @JessicaNorthey started a new series on her blog called Finger Candy High 5 Friday. According to her, “It’s a day and place to showcase people online who are doing great stuff in their respective communities and industries.” I’m all about promoting our social media colleagues and getting the word out about the amazing things they are doing, and I think this column is a creative way to do that.
Her new series got me thinking about High Fives. I’ve noticed a comeback in High Fives. A year ago, I would have said I hadn’t done a High Five since 7th grade. Lately though, I’ve been High Fived at client meetings, birthday parties and even while riding my bike in Atlanta.
Why the resurgence in High Fives? Could it be because we watch Ryan Seacrest on American Idol High Five practically each person that gets a yellow ticket? Could it be that we are becoming a more friendly society? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I do know this. Ladies, you can tell as much about a man from his High Five as his handshake. The last person I High Fived was @Lotay when I was in Shanghai for the Black Card Circle charity event. I have to admit, his High Five form and technique were spot-on, and his timing was perfect. If a man can High Five well, it makes him even more attractive since so many people have trouble performing a quality High Five.
This hilarious little video below will give you some great pointers regarding High Five etiquette; however, if you are a High Five newbie, I recommend learning it from a stationary position. Trying to High Five while walking, running or biking is an advanced High Five technique. Since we are becoming an ever-increasing High Five society, it’s important to learn how to do it well. If you don’t, not only will you look like a dork, but you can also get hurt (really!). Terry Harper, who used to play for the Atlanta Braves back in the 80s, injured his shoulder after a High Five gone miserably wrong.
One last interesting tidbit is that the Oxford English Dictionary recognizes that High Five can also be a verb. So to all you grammar fanatics who were about to jump me, step off. Unfortunately, since we can’t effectively practice High Fiving on ourselves, the only way to do it is to get out in the world and start putting our hand up. Be bold and confident. We can do it!
A classic High Five gone wrong.
Even famous people have trouble with High Fives.
Never trust a man who tries to High Five on the down low… Especially if he’s wearing a clown suit.
Oh, yeah, I’m sure that went well.
“I’m concentrating really hard. I can do it. I can do it!”
This is the “Live Long and Prosper” High Five variation.
One of the most famously delicious High Fives in the history of High Fives.
Ryan Seacrest is a huge High Five advocate.
C’mon, cats need High Five love too!
This lady has been waiting a long time for someone to give her a High Five.
Yes! This makes good solid contact. #success
We miss you Michael.
Via: [High Five Me] [Funtown Blogfest] [Science Blogs] Image Credits: [Amazing Animal Crossing] [Terrible Twos] [Sonatina] [My Name’s Lame Flickr]