Excellent Superheroes & Supervillains Digital Art

I write a lot about superheros and villains because I love the old geeky comic books from the ’80s. Even though I haven’t seen a comic book in years, those characters never get old. Artists of all kinds seem to be just as inspired by them now as ever before. We’ve featured nail art, illustrations, and even geeky fashions that are all about our favorite superheroes and villains.

One thing I don’t write about much is digital art. Of course, I’ve written a little about Photoshopped stuff, but I am typically drawn to the more grassroots art that is doodled or colored with pencils or paint. This digital artwork by Malachi Maloney was just too good to pass up though. His comic book illustrations are truly fabulous!

All of these illustrations below were illustrated, designed or rendered using Photoshop. If you click over to his site, Liquidwerx, and check out his gallery of digital art, you will be blown away. There is just way too much stuff to feature it all here, so I hope you take a peak at his site. He also has some traditional art created with oil paint, ink, graphite and charcoal. I wonder how long it took him to make each one of these. It’s amazing to me what people can do with Photoshop. Our favorite superheroes never looked so good!








Via: [So Geek Chic]