In today’s competitive business environment, online and offline, it’s important to stay creative and innovative. Without those two things, coming up with new ideas is harder than squeezing blood from a turnip. Sometimes the best way to feel creative and fresh at work is to revamp your actual workspace and desk. All I have to do to feel completely renewed is rearrange my office or get rid of the clutter. You can even update your desk design with something new and inspiring.
We’ve written about many creative desk designs in the past, and my all time favorite is the Home Office Design Beach Desk. It’s actually not a desk design – it’s more of a workspace design. Either way, you’ll get to squish beach sand between your toes everyday with that type of setup.
Today I’d like to share with you another inspiring desk. This one is a tad more geeky, and it would probably work well for gamers, social media addicts, or anyone who likes to be on their computer late at night. It’s an infinity mirror computer desk made with LEDs, which gives the illusion of an endless journey downward.
Imagine a night when you’ve stayed up gaming, or spent hours on Twitter and Facebook – this infinity mirror desk would definitely look trippy. If you’ve been concentrating on your best design while sitting in that chair all day, this interesting visual would probably be just what it takes to keep you smiling.
Beware if you fall asleep at your keyboard though. If you wake up looking down that tunnel, you might just wish you had stayed asleep. This desk design was created by Reddit user Jacks_RagingHormones. Unfortunately there isn’t a tutorial for this one, but you can find instructions for how to make an infinity mirror on YouTube. Brilliant!
Infinity Mirror Computer Desk Design
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [Obvious Winner] [Reddit]