The Abstinence Project – An Edgy Teen Pregnancy Campaign

We are all aware of the teen pregnancy problem. Here in the States, it is around 30%, which to me, is alarmingly high. A creative firm in California, Gridnik, recently created a controversial yet effective campaign called “The Abstinence Project” to encourage young college students to use alternative methods to unprotected sex.

This campaign, created about four months ago, started out very small but was so successful so quickly that these t-shirts and posters began being distributed on college campuses all over. As you see, they used the familiar Helvetica figures (often seen on bathroom doors in restaurants), bright bold colors and design, and a dash of humor to make their point.

A lot of people have noted that you can still get an STD from oral sex; however, since the goal was deterring pregnancy, I suppose STDs weren’t taken into consideration. I think this campaign is edgy and creative. I’m not surprised it was so successful and hopefully it made a difference for some people.