I’ve always loved Ghostbusters, but when I first saw this ectoplasm green slime popcorn, I instantly thought about how fun it would be to dump the green slime over someone’s head instead of delicately drizzling it over this popcorn. The thing is, if you were really going to slime somebody, you probably wouldn’t want to do it with this particular green slime which is made from white chocolate, heavy cream and food coloring. Instead, you’d want to make a big bucket of radioactive-looking neon slime that would make a huge mess. I found a tutorial and a video that explain exactly how to create such a concoction.
If you prefer your green slime to be on your food instead of on your head, this green slime popcorn might be more your style. Suzie Ridler from Suzie the Foodie created this Ghostbuster inspired ectoplasm popcorn for all the people who like to have fun with their movie snacks.
In her recipe, she made the popcorn the old-fashioned way (I would probably pop a bag in the microwave instead) and then mixed up the ectoplasm separately. When the popcorn was finished popping, she drizzled the green slime over the popcorn with a spoon. Since the ectoplasm is made from white chocolate, the trickiest part (which you’ll read about in her tutorial) is melting the chocolate. She used white chocolate and colored it with food coloring. Be sure to check the green color of your food coloring also. In order for it to be authentic looking, you’ll want your green slime to have a neon green color, not a dark green or a boring green color. If you want it to look like Ghostbusters, it’s gotta look like a science experiment gone wrong. To make this for yourself, click over to Suzie’s tutorial at Ectoplasm Slimed Popcorn. Chocolate and popcorn have always been a great combination (I mix Junior Mints into my popcorn all the time), so I have no doubt this is delish!
Ghostbusters Inspired Ectoplasm Green Slime Popcorn
Via: [Book of Joe] [Laughing Squid]