I have no idea how this is legal, but I like it. This just proves that if you have an idea, and you want to start a business, nothing will get in your way if you muster up some creativity, work hard, and do what you love. That’s exactly what the girls who started Fat Cookies are doing.
I remember about a year ago a woman and her two sons used to make tacos in their kitchen and then go door-to-door in my neighborhood to sell them. A few months later, the health department told them they couldn’t do that anymore, and I’ve missed those delicious homemade tacos ever since. I hope that doesn’t happen to Fat Cookies, because what they are doing is brilliant.
Eve, Kathleen and Clem are all roommates in a San Francisco apartment. Their decided to name their business Fat Cookies. They made a simple sign to hang outside, and as they bake cookies in their kitchen, they pass them down to customers in a brown paper bag. Apparently they charge $1 per cookie, so I imagine their profit margin is pretty good. I’d pay $1 for a Fat Cookies cookie just for the experience of having it delivered to me in a little bag lowered by a string. Instead of opening their doors for business, they open their window. According to their Twitter page, sometimes they get in the mood to make other things instead of cookies, like cinnamon buns. So creative!
Via: [Laughing Squid]