Realistic Hair Tattoos Eliminate Baldness Forever

I know there are a lot of men in the world who will do whatever it takes to keep from going bald. I don’t really understand what the big deal with that is. I think a bald, shiny head can be just as attractive as a head full of hair. I think men should embrace their baldness and let it become an extension of their own personality. Look at @paul_steele for example. His bald head is all over his blog, Bald Hiker, and people everywhere love it! In 2011, he was even awarded bragging rights for being the World’s Most Influential Travel Writer.

For those men who still prefer some stylish little hair buds over being completely bald, I have a creative solution to show you. It’s much cheaper and takes only a fraction of the time it would take to get a full hair transplant. You can simply get a hair tattoo!

This idea was conceived by Ian Watson. After years of researching, testing and training, he can now cover baldness with permanent ink. He doesn’t just tattoo ink dots either. Each pigment color is designed to look just like an actual short hair that might be growing in that place. The end result is this cropped buzz cut look. Beware though, if this is something you are considering, it will most likely be very painful. However, only a few hours of pain can give you a lifetime of having the perfect maintenance-free haircut. You can learn more about this procedure, called the Micro Scalp Pigmentation Treatment by going to Vinci Hair Clinic.

Baldness Solution With Tattoos

Baldness Solution With Tattoos

Baldness Solution With Tattoos