5 Ways Travel Insurance Is Different For People With Medical Conditions

There are not many exceptions in travel insurance covers for people with pre-existing medical conditions. Most of the plans offered are similar to what is generally offered to people with no such medical conditions. The subtle differences are in the amount of cost, the limitations and the extra conditions applied.

We are going to discuss some of the things that people with a pre-existing medical condition should be careful about while taking out a travel insurance cover.

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1. State All the Medical Conditions

A pre-existing medical condition means an illness that you are already suffering from and have been seeking treatment for. There are a number of pre-existing conditions that come under the scanner of the insurer and some of them are asthma, cancer, any heart conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bone conditions, digestion problems, and diabetes. The aforementioned are a few examples of diseases that insurers need to be aware of and therefore if you are suffering from any pre-existing medical condition, inform the insurance company about the same because only then you would get the proper coverage to cover medical treatments for your medical condition.

2. Buy Travel Insurance Early

If you travel frequently with pre-existing medical conditions, it is a sensible idea to get travel insurance as soon as possible. People with pre-existing medical conditions are scanned more rigorously and have more paperwork to complete. Even if you are not planning a trip for at least six months, apply for a travel insurance cover early on. The whole process can take more time than what you might be expecting. When you travel to an unknown area with a travel insurance, you are more protected and can deal with medical costs more easily if there is an emergency.

3. Choose Wisely

The market is flooded with many types of travel insurance covers and sometimes choosing the most suitable one is easier said than done. People with pre-existing medical conditions need to make sure that they double check everything before signing on the dotted line. People with pre-existing medical conditions have more limitations and have to pay a little more and therefore chances are that an unreliable insurance company might take treat them unfairly. Choose a travel insurance cover that gives covers everything without putting excessive limitations on you.

4. May Be Don’t Go For An Annual Policy

This is for purely practical reasons and works for most people with pre-existing conditions. An Annual policy will put an unnecessary strain on your wallet and can also limit your options. Compare annual cover quotes with single trip and you will be able to decide which one is the most economical one, cost wise. If you are going to make too many trips to count in a year then annual coverage is the cheaper option but if you are only going overseas once a year, then go for the single trip coverage for a more cost-effective approach.

5. Paying More Is Not Necessarily The Best Way

As stated before, people with pre-existing medical conditions have to pay more to get a travel insurance cover. This is in comparison to someone who does not have any pre-existing medical conditions. But paying more does not mean you overpay your insurance company. Many insurers will use scare tactics to make you pay more and cover all situations. You need to be careful, especially if they are buying medical coverage for the first time because they are most likely to get duped into upgrading their insurance cover multiple times for no concrete reasons.

So, the above were some ways how travel insurance is different for people with pre-existing medical conditions. We hope you are more aware if this affects you or someone you know. Do lend us your thoughts by commenting!

If you are interested in even more health-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels then we have a lot to choose from.

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