For a while now, the term geosocial has been quite a buzzword in the social media world. If you are unfamiliar with geosocial or the phrase geosocial networking, it refers to a type of social media where geographic and geolocation services use geotagging and other social dynamics to connect us to local events and other people around our location. Ebay was one of the first companies to implement this technology a decade ago. Now that smartphones integrate Wi-Fi and GPS, things are becoming even more sophisticated. All of these social sites combined make up the scope of the geosocial universe.
Things move fast online, and the geosocial universe looks completely different now than it did just a year ago. The creative agency JESS3 created an infographic illustrating this information in August of 2010 which painted a much different picture. Back then, Facebook had 500 million users and Myspace was in second place with 126 million users. There were only 60 million people on LinkedIn, and our beloved Twitter only had 114 million people signed up.
Now, not even a full year later, JESSE3 decided to create a new infographic series with the most recent information. As you see, the geographic universe has a very different complexion now. Suddenly it makes sense why Microsoft paid $8.5 billion for Skype, doesn’t it? And, you know how I said that things move fast in this environment? This infographic was just created this month; however, if you go to Check Facebook, you’ll see that there are now (as of time of writing) over 670 million Facebook users. If this infographic were created again, Facebook would now be number one.
Via: [Media Bistro] [Brafton]