Levi’s is a brand that has been innovation leaders in apparel since 1873. But with so many new brands surfacing, they somehow needed to boost their brand awareness. In order to get the hype they turned on Social Media and created a game that people can interact with via mobile and the web and of course through Twitter!.
iSpy to put in simpler terms is a catch me if you can game through mobile and web interaction. Pairs of Levi’s jeans were sent to the streets. They were worn by the company’s representatives. What the users must do is piece together clues sent through the micro-blogging site Twitter. The clues will lead people to where the pairs are located. When a consumer spots the representative, then He or she must ask the wearer the question, “Are those a Levi’s?” The wearer then has to give the jeans to the person on the spot.
The campaign generated a lot of buzz, had people talking about the brand again and since it was through social media, the impression made by people was that it is a cool brand and had people wearing the brand again. Simple and effective. What the power of social media can do, real time engagement and fast feedback.
As more brands turn to social media as a vehicle to speak with their consumers, I believe we will see a lot of interesting and creative concepts in the near future.
Host’s Levi’s campaign in Australia. A real world game and mobile treasure hunt designed to get people talking about, and wearing Levis again.