
How To Take Perfect Travel Photos Every Time [Infographic]

How many times have you seen amazing travel photos move across your screen when you go through your Instagram or…

8 years ago
How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)

How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)

On most of the photo retouch apps I've seen, there is an option to correct shiny skin. Whether it's funky…

11 years ago

How To Take Pictures In Burst Mode On Your iPhone With iOS 7 [Video]

I've really enjoyed writing about the new features in iOS 7. Since I'm one of the few people I know…

11 years ago

Rise Of Selfies: How Selfies Are Impacting Social Media [Infographic]

If you are active in social media, there is a good chance you've taken a few selfies and posted them.…

12 years ago

Importance Of Visual Content In Social Media Marketing [Infographic]

Do you read the content you share in social media? Do you just read the title and decide from that…

12 years ago

Tag Photos With Your Vital Signs: Possible Way To Customize Pics More

If you thought there wasn't a way to make photos even more personalized, think again. At any given moment, each…

12 years ago

Poppy Turns Your iPhone Into A Legit 3D Camera

Apple is currently trying to renew themselves with their latest iOS update. On top of that, they have redesigned the…

12 years ago

DUO Camera Breaks In Half For Two Perspectives In The Same Photo

There have been so many interesting camera concept designs over the past few years, but this DUO camera stands out…

12 years ago

Photography History Illustrated In 100 Landmark Cameras [Chart]

Regardless of what the smartphone revolution has done to the image of professional photography, I think all photo enthusiasts can…

12 years ago

Cult Movies Seen Through An Augmented Reality iPhone

If you own a smartphone, you know there are plenty of apps that give you the ability to distort, change…

12 years ago

You’re So Vain: This App Gives You An Instant Nose Job & Perfect Skin

It seems like lately there is increased popularity in apps that make us look fresher and 'better' in our photos.…

12 years ago

Pets And Owners Look Alike: This Photography Proves It [14 Pics]

Pets and owners really do look alike many times. As silly as this sounds, I'm not making it up. I…

12 years ago

Now: App That Sorts Instagram Photos To Find The Hotspots In Your Town

As it turns out, Instagram is more useful than we may have ever thought. Not only do we take and…

12 years ago
Find The LEGO Blocks Hidden In Each Of These 4 PhotographsFind The LEGO Blocks Hidden In Each Of These 4 Photographs

Find The LEGO Blocks Hidden In Each Of These 4 Photographs

Usually when we write about LEGO blocks, it's when they are incorporated into an impressive build. I think this is…

12 years ago

Unpretentious: The Facebook App That Destroys Pretentious Photos

There are a lot of Facebook apps that have been getting their share of attention in the past few months.…

12 years ago