The Impact Of Digital Tools At Work – Do They Increase Or Decrease Our Productivity?

With the advent and the rapid growth of technology, virtually every aspect of our lives has been impacted significantly. Imagine how going a week without using digital tools would be. It is an unimaginable prospect. From the reliance on smartphones to laptops, we are currently living in an era where it is almost impossible to spend time without these tools.

Due to the rapid advancement in technology, new digital tools have been invented. These tools were meant to help the working population and students to increase their productivity and save more time. Nevertheless, the existential question is if at all these tools aid in increasing productivity or if they are wasting the time of the users?

And if these tools are useful in increasing productivity, why is there a massive increase in stress among workers and students seeking the help of any professional online essay writer to assist them in completing their writing assignments?

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Despite the reservations mentioned above of a few individuals who are convinced that these digital tools are not as useful as many people believe, some statistics and studies reveal the use of these tools has positively impacted productivity.

  • According to research from Aruba, an HP Enterprise company, employees working in digital spaces showed more productivity, higher satisfaction in their jobs was highly motivated, and had a general better sense of health.
  • Also, according to a report by Aruba Networks, close to 74 percent of employees working in well-equipped digital working spaces cited that their satisfaction in their jobs was either excellent or very good. Seventy percent of the employees in these workplaces cited that their life and work balance was good.
  • When using digital tools in their workplace, employees were 60 percent more probable to indicate being highly motivated and 91 percent likelier to give praise the vision of their company.

The Impact Of Using Digital Tools On A Company’s Revenue Growth

The primary purpose of using digital tools is to cut back on the amount of work that employees need to do to achieve more productivity. The level of productivity that is produced when employees are equipped with the right tools to do their jobs can significantly impact the company’s revenue positively.

For instance, consider account managers that have to prepare annual financial statements manually and those that have to prepare the same financial statements with the help of tools like Sage or QuickBooks.

How Digital Tools Have Impacted Communication At The Workplace

The prevalence in the use of digital tools has filled the large gap in communication that existed in the workplace in the 90s and the 80s. The popularity of applications and social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Skype, or Slack has revolutionized the way people communicate at work.

That being said, the capability of organizations to communicate at any time of the day without hindrances helps them to offer customer support, respond to customers’ questions, and address concerns raised instantaneously. Furthermore, it is much easier for employees and employers to connect at any time and address pressing issues.

How the Use of Digital Tools has Revolutionized Task Scheduling At Work

Currently, many apps and tools can help workers schedule and stay on track when completing their tasks. Failure to complete a task can imply a considerable loss to the organization at times.

With these tools, however, employees should be able to keep a complete checklist of all tasks that need to be completed, and those have already been completed and thus making it hard for them to miss an assignment.

The Impact Of Using Digital Tools On Data Security

Securing and protecting sensitive data is a massive concern for most organizations, especially financial organizations. Companies that collect sensitive data about their customers need to be extremely careful to avoid unauthorized access or loss of the data. The use of digital tools has facilitated safe storage and securing of sensitive information and data.

How the Use Of Digital Tools has Impacted The Networking Capabilities Of Organizations

The use of digital tools has positively impacted the networking opportunities and capabilities of organizations. Through the use of digital tools, companies can easily connect with counterparts working in their industry or even acquire new prospective clients who have shown interest in their services and products.

Digitization of the workplace has immensely positively impacted the productivity of employees. Nevertheless, when these digital tools are overused, they can hamper the workflow or the productivity of the company. Therefore, organizations should establish a safe and productive way to use these tools without affecting their productivity.

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