Writing articles for Bit Rebels is the ultimate fun factor but it can sometimes become a dangerous task as you are most likely to forget time entirely. And, as we all know, we all need to eat, so I figured I’d look up somewhere I could go to get a short break in the process and fill up the energy reserve. I should have known better, and before I knew what hit me, I was on a search for yet another amazing article to publish on Bit Rebels.
I didn’t exactly get less hungry while gliding through the images I found, dreaming away to a land where everything is edible. Some people are just too creative and I am totally in awe whenever I come across them. It’s both inspiring and humbling to see how much time some people put into their craft in order to please their critics. If there ever was someone that deserves huge props for creating something that will make a lot of people’s jaws drop, it’s for sure Stéphanie Kilgast.
She’s a 24 year old Parisian resident who has taken doll house pastry to an unprecedented level. She carefully and lovingly creates miniature pastries to be fitted into doll houses all around the world. Their realistic looks and almost mesmerizing appeal is something you just don’t see everyday.
Her awesomeness doesn’t stop there. She’s a kind and giving person so she will help you create your very own miniature pastries as well. She’s carefully put together this tutorial on how to start out your very own Doll House Miniature Factory/Store. You can find the tutorial right here – “Start small: How To make teeny, tiny lemons“.
If you think she’s making her miniature pastries to fill her own doll house, you’re wrong. This talented girl has her very own Etsy Store where you can buy stuff until your heart is content. Go nuts making your younger soul or your daughters happy beyond reason and rhyme.