Whoa! I’ve seen a lot of creative typography installations over the past few years, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. These words created out of ice are really a cross between ice typography and ice sculptures. I have a feeling this is one of those artful creations where the pictures don’t do it justice. I’m sure seeing these words in person would be phenomenal.
Artist Nicole Dextras created these by pouring water into letter molds and freezing them. She then placed them in certain places to capture just the right photographs. Of course, the words she chose to make are meant to be thought-provoking. It’s hard to see the scale of these letters in the pictures. Some of them are 8 feet tall!
I’m curious what she used to color the ice. The colors are a nice touch, but I think I like the natural ones the best. I’ve noticed that many artists are inspired by ice when it naturally melts, and Nicole definitely incorporated that into her installation. It reminds me a little of these melting ice men I wrote about a few years ago. They were so cute sitting on the concrete steps, and then the sun came out, and they all disappeared. If you would like to learn more about Nicole, just click over to her website for some more incredible visuals.
Via: [My Modern Met]