You know we’re suckers for well-designed infographics with useful information, but when those infographics involve Star Wars, it shoots to the top of our favorites list. This is the latest in viral Star Wars geekery, and once you see what this is all about, you’ll understand why it’s oozing with brilliance. Designer Marc Murera put together an entire collection of hi-res Stars Wars infographics. He created one for each of the six movies. Movies explained in infographics are always fun, but he’s gone above and beyond with his project. His website was down most of the weekend, most likely due to the beating it was taking from traffic, but it’s back up again this morning. If you go there, you can view the entire collection.
He organized them in chronological order, and he even included a few extra goodies in the mix. I don’t know why he did this, but it’s a little nugget that will surely brighten your day if you are a Star Wars fan. Movies explained this way are sometimes created for the benefit of people who haven’t seen the movies. Yes, believe it or not, some people haven’t watched Star Wars. I don’t know any of those people personally, but supposedly they exist.
Not only are these infographics jam-packed with details, Marc made it surprisingly easy to follow each character’s plot with colored lines. You can see the entire collection of the Star Wars saga ala Marc Murera over on his website. All six of them were just simply too big to include in this article. If you’d like to see more movies explained in non-traditional ways, check out The Titanic Explained In Less Than 2 Minutes and The Exorcist Explained In 1 Minute With Clay. There’s nothing like starting your week off with some Star Wars awesomeness, and I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
Star Wars Movies Explained In Infographics
(Click infographics below to enlarge & click over to Marc Murera for the whole collection)
Via: [io9] [Cool Infographics] [Nerd Approved]